source code for xmodem.c; source code for crc16.c; The xmodem functions depends on memcpy and memset which are standard C library functions, they are builtin function in gcc. This will compute CRC16 and CRC32 checksums f. Submitted on: 12/3/2005 7:00:12 PM By: James Dougherty Level: Advanced
Yesterday, I was lookin' for some code to com. Submitted on: 11/8/2000 10:13:45 AM By: Fredrik Qvarfort Level: Intermediate Calculate Checksum (CRC32 and CRC16) by Fredrik Qvarfort
Free source code for embedded software - Page de la famille Ménie
crc16 function source code - Page de la famille Ménie
crc16 function source code. without html formatting: source code for crc16.h /* * Copyright 2001-2010 Georges Menie ( * All rights reserved.
CRC16/CRC32 Checksum (Blazing Fast CRC32 File Checksum) by James.